Please provide a valid email address and phone number so we may respond quickly.

If you are a homeowner, please leave your address so we may have the proper section representative contact you.
Phone: 502-501-3527 (Text or Call).

Please place close attention to the NAME of the association you are trying to contact.
Most of the inquiries are for other 'MONTICELLO' related communities.  This is Monticello Place in Jeffersontown, Kentucky.  This is NOT MONTICELLO PARKE or MONTICELLO FOREST.

If your address does not match one of those on our Bylaws/Restrictions Map Page, you are in the wrong place, please do not pass this number on to your mortgage company.

Mailing Address:
Monticello Place Community Association
P.O. Box 991081
Jeffersontown, KY  40269-1081

Email Address:

Don Steitz - President
Cathy Littrell - Vice-President
Holly Gustafson - Secretary
John Norris - Treasurer

Section Reps (We have several Open Positions, please join us at the next meeting )
Section 1:
    Chris Temple
    Patricia Beckham
Section 2:
    Scott Christianson
Section 3:
    Shirley Gentry
Section 4:
    Shane Karpinsky
Section 5:
    Pam Miles
Section 6:
    John Norris
At Large:
    Jeanne Cooper

Wooded Sections
    Donna Hummell
    Don Steitz
    Ken Stacy
    Todd Maynard
    Don Collini

2024 Schedule

January 8 at 6:30pm
March 11 at 6:30pm
** May 13 at 6:30pm   
July 8 at 6:30pm
September 9 at 6:30
** November 11 at 6:30pm    

** Bi-Annual General Membership Meeting begins at 7:00pm

Click for details